1912: Οι Κρήτες βουλευτές γίνονται δεκτοί από την Ελληνική Βουλή, έπειτα από πολύμηνη προσπάθεια να μετάσχουν κι αυτοί στις εργασίες της, ώστε να επισπευσθεί η ένωση της νήσου με την Ελλάδα.
Like Today on 1912: The Cretan deputies are accepted by the Greek parliament, following a months-long effort to participate and those in work, to expedite the union of the island with Greece.
Like Today on 1912: The Cretan deputies are accepted by the Greek parliament, following a months-long effort to participate and those in work, to expedite the union of the island with Greece.
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